Sunday, October 20, 2013

Not Exactly According to Plan

A few weeks ago I made a bold move. By announcing to the world my intentions to practice 2.5 hours a day, everyday, until the end of the year I hoped to make it seem more official. Really it was a mind game, but it worked for the month I wasn't on tour. Now, as I settle in from my travels, I see that my time away is putting me well behind of my practice goal. On top of that I've noticed an interesting divergence in the material I'm practicing.

During my practice the majority of my time is spent doing exercises. From long tones, scales, and technique, to tonguing exercises and some etude-like pieces I'm working mainly on developing my capabilities rather than working on music. What surprised me last week was that I have worked very little on any music that I might perform in the near future. Apart from a few Telemann fantasie, I haven't worked on any sonate or concerti.

Is there a balance to be made here? My time as a student is precious and it may be much harder to do these sorts of exercises in the future, but should I not also be preparing a program or two which I can market myself with?

Indeed, what is the purpose in practicing when there isn't any goal further than the accumulation of practice hours?

I won't let these questions stop me, however.

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