Sunday, September 1, 2013

Jubilating in Utrecht

On Saturday Eubo performed the Peace of Utrecht program in the very city which the peace was agreed upon in 1713. Live to broadcast, the orchestra and choir had what we agreed to be our first real go at the program. Though we had performed it in Milan on Thursday we had had so little time to get everything prepared that the concert, which was jam packed by the way, ended up as more of a serious general rehearsal.

The performance was the fourth in a row with a sold-out crowd, a nice change from our first three concerts in Spain. Hopefully when we go back for our concert in LogroƱo we'll see a better showing.

I've never spent much time in The Netherlands. Although I spent two hours waiting in Utrecht CS while on my way to see Peter De Koningh last February, I wouldn't consider taking a look at the town and I'm a little upset now that I've had a walk through it. However, remembering the chilling wind and subzero temperatures that particular February day (Basel's mild winter has softened me up considerably), I understand my hesitation to leave the station.

A hard landing in Utrechtn
Very much like Brugge, parts of Utrecht seem to be a time capsule of the 19th century. Most buildings are immaculately kept considering their age and it doesn't look like they will be replaced by modern sky rises at any time soon. Leaving the city, we were all impressed by the scope of the festival, the size of the audiences, as well as the average age of attendees. Despite the old world feel of the city and its music, Eubo's performance saw an average age closer to 40.

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