Monday, June 25, 2012

Upon reflection sur la montagne

With the celebrations of the baroque and the sun which shone brightly over it now complete, our hemisphere has now begun to darken, though only slightly, day by day.

Always a display of the highest-quality, the Festival montréal baroque is never short of energetic, fun programming ideas. Over the past two years, I have been very fortunate to have been included as part of its own ensemble, la bande Montréal baroque. My work with them has demanded much from me, yet it is the most fulfilling work I have done.

The main events always go way beyond the traditional concert. This year's festival, for instance, featured an equestrian ballet in open air which included four horses, four dancers, and a 21-piece band. The events are crafted with experienced and thoughtful hands, but the mind which conceives them does so with a youthful spirit, always eager to fuel our inner child. Rare is it to feel such pride from audiences and staff alike when witnessing these interesting concoctions.

To many, the festival is considered the brightest moment of the year, even when the solstice doesn't line up. The supportive atmosphere in the concerts is seldom felt elsewhere, nor are the festival-sanctioned café sessions where musicians perform with a beer in hand, or, if necessary, under their music stand.

Though not a resident of the city, I have never felt out of place. The camaraderie of the musicians and staff, the spirit of hard work, and those friendships I have made through the festival, which I hope will endure for years to come, have filled a part of me which was once void.

Unfortunately, with every event like the FMB, there is always struggle. The numerous events tightly woven into the tapestry which, this year, hails the apocalypse can and do take its toll. As the sun sets for 2012, we'll gladly take our much-needed night's sleep.

With a new year closer every day, soon we will feel it, as the sun rises, time again for celebration.

Ten More Years.

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