I've decided that, rather than update the same old post as new information comes up, I am going to write a quasi state-of-the-union in baroque bassooning once a year. It makes the most sense, as everything I write seems to fall out of date pretty quick, and with the more I learn about the scene, the more there is to write.
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Friday, December 16, 2011
A Question to You
One year ago, I began theheckeler.ca to act as both a journal of my activities and as a medium to voice my opinions and ideas for musical performance. Recently, I have become quite interested in writing about young groups and their strategies for success. 2012 will see theheckeler.ca continue this "Emerging Artist Series", as well as my usual banter.
Yesterday, I stumbled upon a Youtube video of Sally Jackson playing a concerto for bassoon by Capel Bond. It was a pleasant surprise for two reasons: one, I had never heard a recording of Ms. Jackson (though a video of her demonstrating different bassoons is in one of my most read posts), and two, theheckeler.ca was mentioned in the blurb below the video. I invite you all to take a look at it which can be seen here.
Yesterday, I stumbled upon a Youtube video of Sally Jackson playing a concerto for bassoon by Capel Bond. It was a pleasant surprise for two reasons: one, I had never heard a recording of Ms. Jackson (though a video of her demonstrating different bassoons is in one of my most read posts), and two, theheckeler.ca was mentioned in the blurb below the video. I invite you all to take a look at it which can be seen here.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Agoraphobic? Try Opera da Camera!
Opera da Camera (from left to right) Taylor White Meagan Zantingh Kathrin Welte Benjamin Kwong |
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