Thursday, November 3, 2011

Andy's Handy Hints: Timeraiser

Last week I read an article in The Globe and Mail about Vancouver's Waldorf hotel. The hotel, which has become a cultural centre for the city's youth (by youth I mean under-35s), has been taken over by the art community and turned into an all-purpose venue of sorts. You can read the article here.

What caught my attention was a description of a 'timeraiser' taking part at the Waldorf by a political campaign "where attendees bid time instead of money for items such as Science World passes and Burlesque dance lessons"(TGaM, Oct. 28, 2011)... Isn't that a fantastic idea?

The to-do list for ensemble OVO is quite long, and each task often requires a different 'hat', or skill set, in order for it to be completed. Imagine having someone with an accountant hat, or a grant writing hat working with you...

Unfortunately for a new ensemble, it may be hard to find items valuable enough for people to want to bid hours of their time to win. A free in-house concert could be a real winner, but there must also be some non music-related items that might spark interest. 


Think about it!

More of Andy's Handy Hints can be found here

1 comment:

  1. In this competitive world of today, we donot find any time for any one as most of the people are busy in work as they think that time is money and time wasted means money wasted. If they spent 1 minute they think that they had wasted their precious time, as they could have earned some money.
    Wikipedia Consultant


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